Huile sur toile et collages. 50 x 60 cm
Je coince un peu pour les commentaires personnels....
C'est du bon gros cubisme à la Picasso.
Après tout, je n'ai jamais que 80 années de retard sur son travail...
I don't know what to say on this work...
It 's big Cubism manner Picasso.
But, I have only 80 years of delay on its work...
Je coince un peu pour les commentaires personnels....
C'est du bon gros cubisme à la Picasso.
Après tout, je n'ai jamais que 80 années de retard sur son travail...
I don't know what to say on this work...
It 's big Cubism manner Picasso.
But, I have only 80 years of delay on its work...
79 commentaires:
Pour comprendre ta peinture, il m'a fallu chercher les infos sur
Mikhail Boulgakov et voila ce que j'ai trouvé en wikipedia:
Son œuvre la plus connue est Le Maître et Marguerite (Мастер и Маргарита), dans laquelle il mêle habilement le fantastique et le réel, de telle sorte que le fantastique passe pour réel, et le réel pour fantastique
Ah, dad, comme tu parles recement du ying et du Yang, du bien et du mal.....
Epigraph from The Master and Margarita:
Who then art thou?
Part of that power which still Produceth good, whilst ever scheming ill.
bonjour DAD!
Beautiful! I love the collage!
Sankoui, je te conseille de lire ce livre un jour... C'est un très beau texte, et certains Russes écrivent magnifiquement bien...(Tolstoï, Pouchkine !) Boulgakov à produit un livre extraordinaire... "Le Maître et Marguerite" est certainement son plus beau livre. C'est l'histoire du diable qui descend sur terre pour voir les humains... J'ai conseillé ce livre à Anthä, et demande lui son avis....^^ Je suis sûr de sa réponse... Lis le !
Tu remarqueras que le nom "Marguerite" est écrit sur la partie droite du tableau...
Ce livre à été censuré sous Staline. Car il faut y voir aussi un message politique.
Bisous bisous for the small Banana !
Jimm ! My friend ! Where are you ?
I have 6 beers in the "refregirateur"!^^ 3 for me, 3 for you ! And a piece of apple pie !
Come on guy !
De la bière Belge !!!!
This name is "mort subite"!(sudden death!)
We are going to drink it without the girls!
/I have 6 beers in the "refregirateur"!^^ 3 for me, 3 for you !//
Oh...... j'ai eu un des jours shittiest au travail .... vraiment shitty.... Monsieur ... vous vient de lever mon humeur extr�mement.... Buvons! Vous �tes un monsieur sans pair!!
oh .... et avant la boisson toute la bière (je préfère l'allemand et l'anglais - ne prend pas d'offense) j'aime le nouvel art que vous avez posté. Je suis un américain trop stupide pour essayer d'expliquer POURQUOI je l'aime ...... mais je l'aime alot.
Is this translator better? I am working to write better
hand me the second bottle please
I'm ready for a third! where did you go?
Make poop...
Make wee-wee...
Make Love...
and pass a beer, DAD!
I'm drinking a Corona, today...
OkJImm I'm ready for a third! where did you go?"
Dad "Make poop"
Ana Make wee wee
Moi, je suis trop elegante et delicate pour repondre à tout ça!
I'm drinking an expensive and snobby glass of French wine.
HI anajo! The boys thought they could sneak and have a beer to themselves!
The AUdacity!
I know Ana! How dare them! They want to drink some fine Belgian beer without us! Snif!
But let them have their beer! We shall drink my fancy French wine. To hell with them! Nanny nonny boo boo!
yes...first DAD gives his kisses to jimmm and then the fine beer!
what's going on?!
LOL! naanny naany bobobo!
yeah! hear that BOYS!
we have some fine french wine! and a jacuzzi!
I don't know what's going on Ana!? I'm jealous! He prefers Ricains from OshKosh, I guess. Doesn't like the Amerloques from California and New Mexico..
Quelle tristesse!
Yeah! Ana and I will get in the jacuzzi and drink our fancy French wine! Nanny nonny boo boo! And we'll drink it all by our little selves! So there!!
yes... It appears so, Anajo. I am going to go cry in my pillow again! sniff..sniff...
Dad does not love us anymore!
yes, and perhaps we shall contemplate the universe! I know how much Jimm loves us girls when we two are in the jacuzzi contemplating the interconnection of nature and shit.
NAAAAnaa naa NAAAnaaaaaa! and boboboboOOOOObo!
YOOOOOO...wait a minute...a beautiful woman is comparable to nothing....but a beer....I have yet to burp after sex!
yes, I thought the jacuzzi thing would gain an utterance out of you, Jimm...if only a burp!
ok ok ok...let us all go into the jaccusi....contemplate the universe....and anaJ's belly button....I'm sure it looks like a sunrise or other sexy landscape.
..oooh I did burp once after sex....she was a very fruitfull woman.....tasted great...less filling.
don't forget the intertwined legs...
and the orgasmic clouds!
May we have a ménage à trois, all the while contemplating life and the universe. My belly button is like a small pool in the mountains... bubbling with the profound consciousness of life..
give, said the little stream, give oh give, give oh give!
who will dive first? I wonder...
bubbling with the profound consciousness of life..
who will dive first?
--I am looking for pearls...now...as I type....I love oysters!
ps..someone is going to have to translate this in the morning
----I am too busy diving, and groping and contemplating and diving and groping and diving
will it be deep sea diving, or snorkeling?
sweetheart....will you still translate me in the morning?
-which sweetheart-
-shut up, jimm. have another beer and pass the oysters!
we are sisters... pearls of the same shell, Jimm....
snorkel? I have had a vasectomy....no need for snorkels....tastes great....less filling
hahahaha! oh, that is nice to know. Did you hear that, Anajo?! Jimmm has had a vasectomy! yiPPPEEEEEe! FREEDOM!
DAD? hello?
....ya, a long time ago...really funny...the doc keep talking about where he was going to go for fish that friday night....and I was trying to read the ny times......
like I did this all the time....once was enough...
it is hard to be nonchalant while another man is cutting into your balls....hey...I pulled it off (no pun) balls on ice the rest of the weekend.
some things you never forget!
Où sont vous, DAD?
that's very romantic, Jimmm...
Je crois que DAD est allé dormir?
//that's very romantic, Jimmm... //
No...real romance is diving into the jaccuzzi looking for the itzy bitzy scars. just take a left or right at the big unit....if there is difficulty...just keep looking...searching...looking..searching...
oh gees...I must go...meeting miriam at 8:30 and must find some composure....if possible
but, wait...I'm still looking, Jimm!
oh, please do!
kiss, kiss
and help with translation tomorrow!
Have you see the hour? 02h30 AM...
Speak less extremely! I succeed not in sleeping!
You have made laugh well me this morning by raising me...
ANABANANA !!! You love the oysters ?
Alors c'est comme ça que tu le vois le Maître?
Heuuu....Ché pôô.... Je n'ai pas cherché à faire un réel portrait de lui.(vu que j'avais pas d'image de lui à l'époque...)
Aujourd'hui avec internet...
C'est juste une représentation de "l'idée" du Maître.
Ah ! oui... J'voulais dire. Ce travail à plus de 15 ans...
Oooooooh, bin !!!!! J'viens d'aller voir sur le net ! A part la moustache, et bien... C'EST CA !!!!
Trop fort le Dad...
Tu remarqueras que le nom "Marguerite" est écrit sur la partie droite du tableau
Oui, bien sûr, je l'avais remarqué. C'est pourquoi j'ai mis Epigraph from The Master and Margarita". "The Master and Margarita", c'est le nom " "Le Maître et Marguerite" en anglais. Mais l'epigraph n'existe pas dans les livres, même si Boulgakov l'avais mis quand il a écrit son oeuvre.
J'ai passé un bon temps hier en lisant tout sorts des choses sur Boulgakov (Bulgakov en Anglais).
Je vais prendre ta conseille et lire son livre. (Maintenant je suis en train de lire "Histoire de la France" par Pierre Miquel. Ca va me prendre un temps pour le finir. C'est difficile car je le lis en français.)
Pour les écrivains Russe, j'aime Tolstoy. J'avais lu "War and Peace" et "Anna Karenina". Aussi Tolstoy a un lettre très interresant "What is Art"? Tu le connais?
Non, je ne connais pas ....
Je chercherai...
"You have made laugh well me this morning by raising me."
I like oysters and raised bananas, DAD! Scruptious together!
Scrumptious! <----- correct spelling
Delicious! Succulent!
I make scrumptious with my wife !!!!
bonté! Il semble qu'une conversation sérieuse concernant l'art est survenue! Je suis choqué!
//Je rends succulent avec ma femme!!!!//
Yes, we make scrumptious together!^^
I make scrumptious by myself! ^^
//I make scrumptious by myself!//
I think it must be a good recipe, mix fresh fruit, nuts and stir well!
I am not aware of this recipe. Sounds good. It would seem that one can indulge in such a taste sensation alone or with with someone special.
......or with someone especially sensational....If memory serves me well....it is how well you stir....using the spoon correctly ( or whisk )
sir....I am off for drinks, Salute!
Salut Jimmmmm !!!!
salute! Dad! it is late here in Wiscosin. I Am very late at the pub....so very drunk woman is trying to pick me up...
rule #1
never go home with woman who is drunker than you are
rule #2
never go home with a woman who is dumber than you are
#rule #3
never go home with a woman who is uglier than you are
fact #1 jimm goes home alone too often
fact #2 fuck the rules
salut DAD!
Méééééh! J'm'en tape du compteur !
Bon .... 2 ou 3 Com... J'suis plus habitué... Mais, 73 ou 56, c'est pareil !
77 (Semble que c'est la mode maintenant d'indiquer le nombre! ;/ )
Oh la la Boogie Jimm! Seems that you have women on the mind. ;)
And a big hug for dad! You are so sweet! :)))
Oh Lovely Dad....lovely....[:)]
truly inspiring.......:0)
"Le Maître et Marguerite" is a fantastic tale of madness, a modern don Quichotte, except everyone is mad, except the cat and the devil. (there should always be a cat and a devil in a book) Actually, I am sure there is a cat hiding in this painting. If there isn't, there should be. There should always be a cat and a devil in a painting. The devil is usually making the painting though.
Oui ! tu as raison !J'aurai du y penser !
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